When Pride Blinds


    Hello, friends! Long time no blog! Today's thought will be on pride; we all have it in some form.

He said, "What have they seen in your house?" And Hezekiah answered, "They have seen all that is in my houe; there is nothing in my storehouses that I did not show them." 
- 2 Kings 20:15 ESV 

    Here, Hezekiah let his pride lead him into danger with the Babylonian envoys. How easily pride will blind us. And, it will harden our hearts, too. After Hezekiah found out about his sin, he went right into another sin: selfishness. He first thought was of his life and how the LORD would avenge him during his days on earth. 

    When we are convicted of our pride, let us first thank the HOLY SPIRIT for convixting us, and then let us read Job chapters 38 and 39. Whether we are in the midst of the prise of superiority or inferiority, with open hearts, GOD will humble us with those chapters. 

Let us live for the LORD, together! 
For HIM,


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