Praise to GOD only

Hello friends! 

Today, as I was reading GOD's Word in Isaiah, a certain verse spoke out to me. 

Isaiah 42:8 CSB

I am the LORD. That is my name, and I will not give my glory to another or my praise to idols. 

GOD wants HIS praise for HIM. HE does not want an idol to get HIS praise.

Now, you might be wondering, "how does this apply to me," or "what do you mean by this?"

Idols are very relevant to this very day. Wither it's social media, tv, our devices, even work, friends, or family.

 An an idol is anything we put above and before GOD. 

An idol is when you watch that tv show before spending time with GOD, you sleep in more than you need to and don't have any morning quiet time with HIM, you scroll through social media to try to find satisfaction that's not really there. 

Tv, sleep, and social media are not bad in itself, but, if they are put above GOD that becomes an idol in our lives.

Idols are anything that take us away from worshiping GOD.

Our lives are a living sacrifice to GOD! We are to praise GOD! 

So, when we put anything before GOD, this means we are giving praise to idols. And, as we see in Isaiah 42:8 we are to give praise to GOD alone! 

We are a living sacrifice for GOD who deserves the praise not worthless idols! 

When we put idols above GOD we are giving GOD what's left of our sacrifice (ourselves) instead of the first and best. 

To live out this verse, we need to put GOD above the idols in our lives! Put HIM first. Then other things second. Give GOD the best, not the scraps. 


I hope this encouraged you to live your life as a living sacrifice for GOD and put HIM first! 

Have a lovely day or night wherever you are!

For HIM,

~ Sabina


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