HIS Life, Not Mine

Hello friends! I am beyond excited and grateful to start using my love of writing for HIS glory and to share it with you! 

Today's topic is one that is very important to me. To start things off, this blog is not mine. You might be a little confused. Honestly, if you talked to me just a couple years ago I would too! I would say that everything I owned or did was mine. Well friends, I want to let you know that it very much is not! The reason however, will leave you more free than you came in! 

Think of it like a play or a musical. You audition and get a part to represent a character. You show the whole world the character's story. At the end of the day, the character really is not you, you were just representing the character. Now, with that same type of mindset, that is us. 

Our life is not our own. Everything we do is for GOD. We are living HIS life for HIM! I know at this moment you might be thinking that is not fair or now you cannot do anything you love in life. Well friend, what I think is not fair is how endless GOD's love and grace is for us while we are still sinners. 

Now, remember what I said earlier? That why our life is not ours will leave you more free? Here is why you will be more free realizing you are living HIS life not your own!

Do you ever just feel empty? You had a full day of work or school then did a hobby or even exercise. You are so tired and just want to relax by watching some tv or scrolling on your phone. You then eat dinner or have to make dinner for your family. You are wanting to plop in bed as you are so exhausted but realize you need to do your chores. You finally reach your beloved bed again and glance at your Bible but are to tired to open it. You end your day and turn your lights off. 

I know in crazy times like these your days might not be as full. But, what are you filling your day with? Are you just watching tv or on your phone? After a day like that what do you feel? Empty. Friend, I know these scenarios all to well.

Finally, this brings me to the point. We feel empty because this is not our life! We were not made to live for ourselves! Everything we do or own is not ours, it is HIS! We are living HIS life! You might be thinking that now you feel captive and that you cannot live. Friend, that is the complete opposite! Living our life the way we were meant to will be the most freeing and joyful life! 

You may be wondering how to live HIS life and not your own. And the simple answer is to spend every moment with HIM and for HIM! I know that probably does not make much sense as we have things to do in this life so I will expand on that next. I challenge you friends to read GOD's Word every morning to start your day and think about HIM throughout your day! 

I look forward to writing to you next about what living HIS life looks like! 

Have a lovely day or night wherever you are! 

For HIM,


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