Disciplines Living HIS Life

Hello friends! Today's blog will be a continuation from the last one about that this is not our life to live but GOD's! In this blog however, we will be discussing what it looks like to live HIS life.

This is not a step by step instruction guide or a to do list, this is a change of our hearts on how we are meant to live! I will be giving you however things as Christians that we need to do in order to live GOD's life. 

To start things off, here is a list (I be cautious when using this word as we can misinterpret it as a list of check boxes to do as Christians when it really is just a life change!) of disciplines you must do while living HIS life!

  • Read HIS Word
  • Study HIS Word
  • Memorize HIS Word
  • Journal
  • Worship
  • Pray
I will do a brief breakdown of each category!

Read HIS Word: This is some beautiful times of the day! You are just washing yourself in HIS Word! This part is reading your Bible. Typically here, I will read quite a bit. Right now I am starting a 6 month Bible reading plan that my Dad and I created! (I will share in a future blog!) In that plan, you read roughly about 7 chapters of the Bible a day. This is not about deep diving, (We will get there next!) this is purely just reading HIS Word in larger quantities! 

You may think that sounds like a lot and you do not have time, but friend, do you really not have time? We find all the excuses just to live this life like its ours when it is very much not. Lets work on that together!

Study HIS Word: This is when we deep dive and dig into HIS Word! Just pick a book you want to study and take it slow. Really dig into it! You can read a couple verses a day to study or more. 

Memorize HIS Word: This is one that has really spoke to me in the past year by how important this is just like reading Scripture! This is how Scripture will stay in our hearts when we need it! All you need to do is start by memorizing one verse a week! Write them down and continue to work on them. 

Journal: Here you are going to write down anything from your reading or study that spoke out to you! It can be something you learned about GOD or an observation. There are so many different ways you can journal, and I will talk about this in the future, but the main point is to write it all down to remember! 

Worship: This is not just songs, this is our actions of our hearts. What are you thinking about that nobody knows? I catch myself judging others sometimes. Yes, nobody knows, but GOD does. Worship is how you honor GOD throughout your day in your heart! I also encourage you to find a time to worship HIM and to catch a glimpse of HIS holiness. 

Prayer: This is a category I feel we all take to little and for granted all to much. We just pray to GOD when we want something or need something from HIM. Prayer is something where we should honor HIM, confess our sins to HIM, give thanks to HIM, then ask from HIM. Prayer is also something we can do all day long! 

Now that you know the disciplines of living HIS life, in the next blog I will talk about what a day living HIS life looks like! As these categories are not check boxes they are disciplines of living HIS life! 

Friends, I know this may seem intimating at first, but living HIS life like we were designed to will be so freeing!

I look forward to writing to you next about what living these disciplines out for HIM will look like!

Have a lovely day or night wherever you are!

For HIM,


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