Every Human Heart Will Melt
Isaiah 13:6-7 [6] Wail, for the day of the LORD is near; as destruction from the Almighty it will come! [7] Therefore all hands will be feeble, and every human heart will melt. "Every human heart will melt." On the day of the LORD, every human heart will melt. Just a simple thought that came to me about this statement was how we are given a new heart when the LORD calls us. We were born with a heart of stone, and the LORD gave us a heart of flesh. To think the heart of stone is what is going to melt on the day of descruction just reveals our Mighty GOD's glory! Just as the LORD taking our heart of stone and making it a heart of flesh reveals HIS glory, so does melting (destroying) the heart of stone. If you still have a heart of stone, repent of your sins and look to JESUS and HE will give you a heart of flesh! Commit your life to the LORD and contnually repent! If t...