Living out HIS life Daily

Hello friends! Today will be a continuation of the series of living HIS life! The first one was on why this is HIS life not ours, the second one was about the disciplines we need to have for living HIS life, and this one will be about how to live out those disciplines! 

Its not our life and we do what we want to do and then fit in GOD, its HIS life and we live it out HIS way then add in some extra stuff.

A day looks a little different for everybody but at the same time if we are living HIS life there will be things that are the same.

For one I believe everyone who is living HIS life should start first
thing with HIM! If that means to rise earlier so you have time, then do so! 

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. ~ Mark 1:35 NIV I know mornings you can be pretty tired so I usually tend to do my reading first thing in the morning, not deep dive study. 

After you are more awake I suggest doing some study! Before my Dad has to work, me and my family do and early morning study together! It is one of my favorite parts of the day connecting with GOD and my family! It is also so beneficial to hear different translations too!

After your study it is time to get ready for the day. HIS day! Whether you are getting ready for work, school, or just summer break, listen to scripture while getting ready! This is so amazing just to constantly be washed by HIS Word! You will be ready for whatever satan throws at you! I do Bible Quizzing so I like to listen to whatever chapter of the Bible I am memorizing that week. 

One thing I love to do to keep my mind and focus on HIM throughout the day is having an index card notebook to write scripture verses in! So whatever verses spoke out to you in your reading/studying just put them in the index card notebook! I also suggest titling the verse as it is very helpful to do so!

 Bring it around wherever you go and choose a verse for everyday. You will meditate on that one verse throughout the day! It keeps your center on HIM! 

Constantly have a heart of worship! Do not judge others in your heart or have anger towards someone else. Always have love, gentleness, and peace in your heart! And whenever you notice your heart is not in the right place pray to GOD and repent!

let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. ~ Hebrews 10:22 NIV

I am constantly trying to always have a clear, kind, heart. And whenever I fall short (that will always happen!) I repent of my sin. 

Find time when you can also just sing out to GOD that HE is holy! 

With the same heart of worship, always have a heart of prayer! Always be praying! Not just about your needs but adoring HIM, confessing, praising, thanking, asking blessings for others!

Study on your own or study again! Studying HIS Word is so important just like reading. Write the things your observe or learn in a journal!  

Take some time out of the day to memorize HIS Word too! This will take some patience learning how the brain GOD specifically made for you works best with memorization. Just start with a verse a week! I encourage you to pray about if you ever want to memorize more but its all about sealing as much of HIS Word in your heart as you can as this is how you will evangelize. You will use HIS Words! 

Friends, I know this may seem like a lot but you are making the most freeing change ever by living HIS life, the one you were meant to live! 

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. ~ 1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV 

For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. ~ Colossians 1:16 NIV

Friends, I pray for you as you start living HIS life and not your own.

Remember not to get discouraged for we all have our struggles we need to work on and repent of!

Have a lovely day or night wherever you are!

For HIM,


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