
Showing posts from July, 2023

No Hope but CHRIST

 Lamentaions 3:21 " But this I call to mind,  and  therefore I have hope:" Morning Notes : Lamentaions Hello friends! This morning I read Lamentaions. LORD Willing I will be posting a lot of these short "Morning Notes" blogs as they help me gather my thoughts from my morning Scripture reading. A huge theme that struct my attention was the theme of no more comfort. Jerusalem had their comfort in this temporal world and turned away from the LORD.(Jeremiah 25:7) But, now that they have fallen, all their comfort is gone.   " Zion stretches out her hands,                           " she dwells now among the nations, but  there is none to comfort her;"                          but finds no resting place"      "she has  among all her  lovers                                  " Her princes have become like                    none to comfort her;"                                           deer  that find no pasture;"