Be Nourished
Hello friends! Today I am going to be talking about being nourished. No, not the kind your mom always told you about eating your vegetables, but a different kind. This kind of nourishment gives you life. Every Wednesday my Dad and I wake up before work and school so that we can spend some alone time together and talk about our LORD! During our time, I shared this verse: They are to eat the meat that night; they should eat it, roasted over the fire along with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. Exodus 12:8 CSB Charles Spurgeon talks about this verse in a beautiful way. Talking about how CHRIST was roasted over the fire like the lamb and is food for our souls. Here is a part of what he said on the verse. "CHRIST on the cross is to be the one object of our faith; we must look to HIM there even as the Israelite was to look on and feed on the lamb roasted over the fire. Think what CHRIST has endured for us. Oh what fire our LORD JESUS CHRIST passed through that HE might become foo...